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What documents required for tourist visa Edit


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Documents to show you are a visitor(aus), more or less this is same What documents required for almost all countriesEvidence of sufficient funds, such as personal bank statements, pay slips, audited accounts, taxation records or credit card limit.If you are visiting relatives or friends, a letter of invitation from your relative or friend in Australia. If your relative or friend is paying for your visit, evidence that they have the necessary funds.If you are visiting under the Tourist stream: Your itinerary for your stay in Australia.Other information to show that you have an incentive and authority to return to your home country, such as:a letter from your employer stating your intention to return to your jobevidence of enrolment at a school, college or university in your home countryevidence of immediate family members in your home countryevidence of your tourist visa or residence status in your home country, and your right to returnevidence of property or other significant assets owned in your home country.
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Documents to show you are a visitor(Aus), more or less this is same for almost all countries Evidence of sufficient funds, such as personal bank statements, pay slips, audited accounts, taxation recor ...  (More...)

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